Thursday 1 March 2012

Last week in Room 1 our letter of the week was Bb. We brainstormed lots of words that start with B. We got so many words that we ran out of room. This is our best effort yet. 

We also painted some beautiful butterflies. We folded a piece of paper in half, and painted one side or it. The we folded it back up and smooshed the paint on the other side. When we opened it back up, it was a butterfly!
Isabella and Tyler

Shu-Han and Miss Gardner

Manthan and Zidane

Max and Raghav

In Room 1 we know how to be really good friends. We coloured in our bodies and Miss Gardner took a photo of our heads and we stuck them on. They look cool and silly. We learnt about speech bubbles this week too and in our speech bubbles we have written some ways to be a good friend!
Here they are:

Beacuse our letter of the week was Bb we got to bounce black baloons to the beat of the music.

When we were finished dancing we decided to paint a blue B on our black baloons. 
 Then we had to hang our baloons up to dry. We chose to hang them on the playground!!
 We have had so much fun with the letter Bb this week. Stay tuned for next week.